JKUAT Admission Letters 2024/2025 Download

JKUAT has released admission letters for 2024/2025 applicants to download online. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) list of students with ready admission letters are being posted in the admission system continuously.

Self sponsored students whose admission letters are ready ONLY can now sign up and download their admission letters online. However, students whose admission letters are not ready by now are to continue checking on this the admission system.


  • Visit this link https://admission.jkuat.ac.ke/checkadmssion. You will see the KUCCPS Admission Letters link, then click on it.
  • Enter your KCSE Index number in full and now click on ‘Confirm Admission Letter’
  • To download, find it and click on download button, then print your admission letter.

Below is a sample:

JKUAT Admission Letters sample

To make an enquiry from the university, you can contact them via the contacts provided in your admission letter.

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